Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Using Up Scraps!

Just thought I would post a photo of a sewing project that I recently finished.  

The picture is a little bit blurry but the kids are still cute!  

I have been trying to clear out some of my material stash lately and came across some towels I had bought way back in summer to make a robe for J for when he is changing at the public pool.  We have been hitting up the local pool recently and it seems like they have the air conditioning cranked in the change rooms so I thought robes would still be appropriate.  In the spirit of using material up L's robe is made from polar fleece I had laying around.  It is quite a rich feeling fleece and it ended up looking more like a smoking jacket which would go perfect with a pipe and book!

I used a free pattern for which the tutorial can be found HERE.  You have to subscribe to her weekly newsletter to get the pattern pieces but it is well worth it as she has several other great free patterns and tutorials.  She also has patterns for sale that are easy to sew and stylish for both boys and girls.  I purchased her Blank Slate Boy's Bundle quite some time ago and have made several blazers for both J & L.

I have been sewing up a storm lately so hopefully I will get some more pictures up soon!
